
Welcome to my website where i will store my personal penetration testing notes. Felt it was only fair to give back my knowledge of hacking to the hacking community! The goal of these notes are to spread hacking techniques around to other pentesters and by doing so, making the world more secure. Who knows, maybe by using a technique or two, you might've finally found that one piece of information to chain several vulnerabilities together and PWN that website.


Please do not see my notes as fact as there may be discrepencies in the notes. There may be areas where i've not researched enough or i've misunderstood something. I tend to just "write before thinking". Therefore i encourage your own research on top of mine.

Some information I share may have been taken from other peoples pentesting notes or research, this is why i have included them within the Source to give credit back to the person who taught me.


If there's any information that needs adjusting, misinformation or there's a cool new technique to be added into the notes, feel free to contact me!

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