User Enumeration

A way for an attacker to see which usernames / email addresses are in use or are registered within the application.

Different Types of Enumeration

  • Response Differences In this instance, messages tend to differ from a registered user to a non-registered user. e.g This user does not exist | Credentials for user: Admin, is incorrect
  • Time-Based Differences Depending on how the back-end is configured, this tend to vary. For example; A non-registered user tend to stay between 100ms - 150ms if dummy credentials are provided. Meanwhile a registered user with dummy password given, will come back as 500ms - 800ms which is a clear indicator that the user does exist. It happens when the database checks the user given before the password used to sign in. Remember to check the Time-Based Enumeration Graph to get a sexy chart and a nice overview!

Where do user enumeration occur?

  • Login Forms
  • Register Forms
  • Change username/email Forms